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growing up in the early 2000s, on the heals of heroin chic, supermodel days, celebrities were constantly cast as being either too fat or too thin.


we only have two things our entire lives: our brains and our bodies. society reframes how we perceive our bodies and what it should “ideally” look like.

once that perception is changed in our brain, we struggle to reverse it.

those suffering eating disorders never actually recover – their brains will forever have those insecurities and tendencies.


everyone has looked in the mirror and thought “i wish…" and expressed to others you’d be lying if you said you didn’t...."


while the past 6 years of media have included more diverse bodies and realistic depictions of women, moving away from the heroin chic look that dominated the 90s and early 2000s, we can't ignore how it has conditioned our minds.

and though while the modern depictions of women are impactful, i d id not grow up in a time when that was the “ideal woman.” i grew up seeing tabloid photos. every celebrity was either "too thin" – at 90 pounds – or "too fat" – at 130+ pounds. no one had the perfect body, but every celebrated body was unachievably thin.  

this media conditioned my mind and my perception of beauty norms and standards. it’s difficult to unravel and undo that. 

as women, we chose to undergo painful, yet transformational procedures in order to keep up and "look average." i attempt to poke fun at that while showcasing the pain and discomfort that runs analogous to such.

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